Simplify Social Marketing Ltd. (The Simplify Company) is a communications company that enjoys working with organizations who strive to affect our world in a good way. We help with goal setting, strategy, audience research and also develop websites, social media tools, upgrading outreach materials, project management and more.

The Simplify Company’s principal, Rudy Kehler, brings an active experience as non-profit leader, trainer, team builder, start-up business developer, web and social media consultant, to each project. The Simplify Company builds project teams to suit each project’s unique needs to ensure the required skill sets are on-board for you.

One current preoccupation is SimplifyCaring. An online, tiny office for caregivers who team up and want to stay organized.


We donate one website each year. We select from organizations that are  making a difference. Are you changing something?


We make them.
We fix them.
We host them.
We optimize them for search.
We teach you how to run yours.

Social Media

We provide strategy guidance, policy development, coaching and even content development for your social media presence online.